Placement Conditions

Nightstop offers you safe accommodation in warm and welcoming homes where you will feel comfortable. The following are conditions of staying in our service which keep you and the host safe and help us to support you in the best possible way:

  • The address is confidential, please do not disclose this to anyone
  • There are no visitors and no overnight guests, including family, allowed at the property
  • Be considerate when using communal rooms
  • Ask if you want to use/have anything
  • Clear up after yourself
  • There is no smoking in the property, but the host will tell you where you can smoke outside of the house
  • There is no using controlled drugs, New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) or alcohol prior to going in to Nightstop, or while staying at the property
  • You will not be able to stay in the house when the host is not there
  • Do not leave belongings at the property unless there is prior agreement for this made with your coordinator
  • You must arrive at the property at the time stated, this must be before 9pm. Please do not turn up early or late, this may result in you not being able to stay
  • Once you have arrived at your hosts you are not permitted to leave and come back again. If you need to leave the placement will be cancelled for that night
  • Do not ask for host contact details or share yours, or connect on social media with Nightstop volunteers & their families
  • Any criminal activity may be reported to the police
  • Observe the actions asked of you in relation to Covid-19 (described in your handbook) at all times
  • Please turn up to your Nightstop appointments as agreed and provide feedback on your experience of the service so we can make it the best for you and others as possible

We are here to help and support you. Please talk to your Nightstop coordinator if you have any difficulty understanding what is asked of you while staying with a host.

Please follow these conditions or your will be asked to leave if you break these.

If you are lost, worried or have decided not to stay please call us on: 07500 770996 or 07887 492872

Put these numbers in your phone, they will be answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Please note that our on-call service DO NOT RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGES.

If our on-call team need to phone you it will show as an ‘unknown number’. Please ensure you answer these calls whilst staying in Nightstop.

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