Sussex Nightstop Tryathlon

We’re taking the opportunity to squeeze the last drop out of summer, with a fun event for the Sussex Business Community. Our Tryathlon is a unique and not-too-sporty team event that gives you an original way to say thank you to hard working staff.

Teams of six will compete in a mini beach volleyball tournament, followed by a summertime quiz and a summer themed cake-off: one member per team brings a cake or tart inspired by summer for blind judging. The evening ends with a BBQ supper, prizegiving and raffle.

The Sussex Nightstop Tryathlon takes place on Friday 16th September from 3.30-7.30pm at Yellowave, Brighton. The cost per team of six is £480 and includes all activities, supper and drinks, plus a small donation to Sussex Nightstop. Individual places are also available at £85 per person.

To book your place on this fun evening, or to find out more, please contact Liz Wakefield:

[email protected] or call 07788 318905

Many thanks to our event sponsors Archangels Architects, Daniel Associates and Mortgage Medics.



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