Make Change Count

Make Change Count is a citywide initiative that brings together key organisations (Brighton Housing Trust, St Mungo’s, Sussex Nightstop, Equinox, Antifreeze, The Clock Tower Sanctuary, YMCA Downslink Group and YMCA Brighton) that support homeless people in Brighton and Hove. The campaign has run yearly since 2016 and is supported by Brighton & Hove City Council, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner and Sussex Police.

Also known as ‘alternative giving’ the fundraising campaign is a way to encourage people to give money to assist homeless people in a way that has the biggest impact – by donating to this group of charities that help people who are rough sleeping to access support services available in the city and to move away from the streets. The charities also do a great deal to prevent homelessness in the first place.

Last year’s fundraising (which ran April 2020-March 2021) raised a total of £37,756 to support homeless people in the city, thanks to residents and business who care about this issue. The current campaign, which runs until March 2022 is sadly nowhere near that figure. It’s down by a massive £20,000 and every penny counts to each of the charities involved.

Please help us meet our target by 31 March 2022 by donating what you can to this important and worthy initiative. Here’s a few reasons why we think you should support it:

Every donation makes an impact – all money donated to the Make Change Count campaign goes to people in need in our city. Contributions are used to provide food, access to shower facilities, healthcare, clothing and a wide range of practical help based on individual needs. No funds raised are used for administration of the charities or the campaign. If £5 is donated, then £5 will go to people in need.

Working together citywide – by giving this way, you’re supporting local organisations that work together to provide practical help and compassionate, personalised support. If one in ten working adults in the city donated just £5 to our current fundraising effort, we’d not just hit our target on 31 March 2022, we’d exceed it.

Rebuilding lives – outreach workers and street services guide people to access the right accommodation where they offer a real chance for people to rebuild their lives in a safe environment.

Lean, efficient and effective – Make Change Count is the simplest and quickest way to donate to homeless charities in Brighton & Hove. Every donation helps people who need it, via key organisations in the city that support homeless people with compassion, dignity and respect.

Make change happen – Make Change Count is a great way for local businesses to give back to the community. And as we approach the end of the tax year, there’s a great opportunity for Brighton and Hove businesses to make a hugely positive impact. If just 10% of businesses in Brighton & Hove donated £50 to Make Change Count, we’d double what was raised last year.

As we start living with COVID and try to get back to normal life (whatever that is), we know what can be done with the right resources in place. We just need the right level of support. So please, if you can, make March 2022 the month you support Make Change Count.

Make Change Count 2021: Supporting homeless people in Brighton & Hove – JustGiving

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