Annual Chair’s Report 2021-2022

Whilst we’d rather not be needed as a service at all, I’m really pleased to report that over this last year, Sussex Nightstop has been able to respond when needed. The hard work that has gone into our strategy of post pandemic recovery and re-growth is bearing shoots and it’is wonderful that once again we have been able to play a critical part in a young person’s journey to a place to call home.

Every one of the 166 nights a young person has stayed with our hosts over this year is a night safe from the risks of rough sleeping, but moreover, an experience of kindness and compassion when everything else may feel bleak and scary.

None of this year’s achievements would be possible without the commitment and support given so generously by all our volunteers. Huge thanks and much appreciation to you all, especially hosts who have responded to increased service demand with longer availability. This has made a huge difference to the service and guests using it.

We are also very grateful to our business supporters, growing in number thanks to our business ambassador Richard Zinzan of Archangels Architects and the loyal support of Sam Murphy from Mortgage Medics.

The small but hardworking team cannot go without a mention, especially the service coordinators Sian and H who deftly manage the many jenga-like arrangements that must fall into place to support safe and successful hosting. And our Executive Director, Alison Marino, who’s tireless efforts impressively span maintaining service quality, planning strategy and improvements, representing Sussex Nightstop in the city and among the DePaul network, as well as managing the charity day-to-day and getting hands on to cover staff leave and absence.

Thank you to everyone involved in the kind community that makes up Sussex Nightstop.

Tim Williamson, Chair of Sussex Nightstop
November 2022


Download our annual general report below:

Sussex Nightstop Annual General Report 2021-2022

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