Community Partner Referral

A warm welcome to Sussex Nightstop for youth professionals.

We invite referrals from our approved partners, including Brighton & Hove City Council, YMCA Youth Advice Centre (YAC), Social Services (Children’s Services), The Hummingbird Project, Change Grow Live (CGL), The Clocktower Sanctuary, Voices in Exile, Sussex Police, Allsorts, Namyang, First base, The Hangleton and Knoll Project, Trust for Developing Communities, CAMHS, The RSCH Homeless Pathways team and Pastoral Care teams from authorised educational institutions (Cardinal Newman, MET, Varndean, BHASVIC, BIMM).

If you are one of our approved partners, please use the form above to make a referral.

Not an approved partner yet, but work with young people? We’d love to hear from you! Give us a call at 07500 770996 to discuss how we can work together. Here's how the service works.

Our service is open for referrals between 9.00-3.00pm, Monday to Friday. For the best chance of a same-day placement we advise you to submit your referral before 11.00am. This enables us to complete everything required for a safe placement, including meeting guests in person.

Hands of different skin colour together

Over 25?

We support young people aged 16-25. If you are over 25 and experiencing homelessness or sleeping rough, your first point of contact for support and assistance should be the council.

Homeless Support

The Street Sheet helps you find essential services in Brighton & Hove if you're facing homelessness.

Worried about a rough sleeper?

Raise a concern on Streetlink, the national website for rough sleeper support.

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